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Pope Francis: The poor are not the problem but the resource

The poor are in the heart of Pope Francis. He proclaimed the world day for the poor that will be held firstly in the 33rd week of ordinary, November 19, 2017. For that day, he wrote the message entitled, "Let us love, not by words but by deeds." [1] He wanted to offer the Church, World Day for the Poor, "so that the whole Christian community can be the sign of Christ's growing love for the smallest and the neediest." He then invited "the whole Church, men and women who have good will in everywhere, to divert their views today to everyone who stretches out their hands and begs for help and solidarity. "

The Holy Father's message draws from the life of Saint Francis and he remarks that "just because he continues to look at Christ, Francis can see and serve him to the poor." The pope noted that "if we want to help change history and encourage real development, we need Hear the cry of the poor and commit to end their marginalization. "

Pope Francis also wrote of how poverty challenges us "every day, in the face marked by suffering, marginalization, oppression, violence, torture and imprisonment, war, deprivation of liberty and dignity, ignorance and illiteracy, medical emergencies and lack of jobs, Humanity and slavery, Exile, extreme poverty and forced migration. "There is also poverty, the Pope highlights," which hampers the spirit of initiative of many young people by alienating them from finding employment. "Faced with this scenario, Pope Francis stressed," we cannot remain Passive, let alone resign. "Concluding his message, the Holy Father, underlined that," the poor are not a problem: they are sources we can use to receive and practice in our life the essence of the gospel. "

Father Jules Chevalier: The Poor are the Fellow Human beings

Father Jules Chevalier was well-known to be very close to small people. The love of the poor moves his heart to burn the spirit of his companions. One time he wrote a message to his companions, specifically how when his companions visited the poor. Some of the points he wrote appear in the points that I summarize below: [2]

v Therefore, my dear brothers, take your money, your old clothes and especially your heart, and place yourself gladly on the way to the homes of the poor. The road is difficult and narrow, but keep it vibrant and have a heart for it. It is the way to heaven.

v Hurry because the poor are hungry and hunger does not wait. Arriving in a disaster home, do not stand at the door as a bailiff carrying a schedule; Instead of coming in and greeting respectfully, they are fellow human beings.

v Sit if you are offered a chair. Show your hospitality. Learn to focus on the interests of all family members, the number of children, their age, their circumstances, their resources, and you immediately gain their trust.

v Talk to everyone in the house. Look with loving gazes to everyone, smile at them, little puncture to the children, and you will have all the sympathy from that house. Then hear the story of their suffering; Listen patiently.

v Often the homes you visit are a mess, it is complete confusion, which serves as a bed of no shape; Dirty and naked children. Focus on your passion; It does not take you too far. Be patient ... be patient. You often hear things that will surprise you.

v Still have great tenderness and spirit of humility .... Multiply your charity, ... charity, charity is the best of liver repentance tools. It makes people believe, makes others love, makes them wish; It leads to heaven, not only for those who receive it, but for those of you who run it. Amen.


Both Pope Francis and Fr. Jules Chevalier share the same view that we as followers of Jesus Christ draw closer to the poor. Jesus was born in poverty, He lived with the poor, and He was poor when he died on the cross. Sometimes it seems the church has forgotten it. Jesus not only said the words of love, but he also lived it. The spirit of God's love for those who are in poverty manifested Him planarly. There is absolutely no gap between what Jesus said and how Jesus lived. A faithful follower of Jesus is those who proclaim the word of God, live the word of God, and show us all how to do the same.

[2] Tiré de MR 68 :13. Sur la nécessité de visiter les pauvres et sur la manière de faire ces visites dans Manuscrits sur le Sacré-Cœur de Jésus, pp. 120-121


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