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BEING A MISSIONARY IN THE SPIRIT OF "PASTOR BONUS"-My Reflection in The Mission's Extraordinary Month 2019

Certainly, still ringing in our memories, Pope Francis said to the MSC two years ago. Of course, now, especially in this mission's extraordinary month 2019  is the good moment  that we contemplate and echo again in our hearts. In front of the delegates of the General Chapters of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (MSC) in the Vatican, 16 September 2017, the first Pope from outside Europe gave a message for all members of MSC in the world: "Show it with your life and your works of God's tender and passionate love for the little, the underprivileged, the vulnerable and the outcast." The Holy Father added, "Keep looking at Jesus Christ and learn from Him how to love with a real human heart, caring for lost and wounded sheep, seeking justice and showing solidarity with the weak and needy."

The words of Pope Francis above are very striking with the spirit of our founder, Jules chevalier. In almost all the Gospel verses refer to us how much Jesus loves humanity. The image in the gospel that deeply touched the heart of Jules Chevalier was about "the Good Shepherd." He had a special concern for this passage of the gospel in particular to explain the richness embodied in that image. " From the manger to the cross, gentleness and strength appear in him (Jesus) with incomparable brilliance ... Mercy accompanies his steps everywhere and power never abandons him."


To contemplate Jesus in his earthly life is also to discover his compassion for the little ones, the excluded, the sinners. If we want follow Our Lord in his public life, we see his Heart spread over all misfortunes, all moral and physical miseries. The compassion is described by Father Jules Chevalier with words that really touch: "He (the true shepherd) looks on all sides, He calls, He runs, He comes and goes. There is no path that He does not visit, no road that He travels, no rock or desert that He does not question, no bush where He does not engage, no stream that He does not cross. "The sheep found ... He caresses it, takes it on his shoulders and brings it back to the fold; He is so happy that His joy 'bursts on all sides'. "

Contemplating Jesus in His earthly life also finds His mercy for the small, the marginalized, and the sinners. "If we follow our Lord in His public life, we see His Heart shed to all unfortunates, to the unfortunate physically and morally. From where is the source of forgiveness to the woman who commits adultery, to Mary Magdalene? FROM HIS HEART. Thus, the gospel that brings good tidings to those unfortunate people can be regarded as the "GOSPEL OF THE SACRED HEART."

The thoughts that is closer to our spirituality are those thought by Maurice Zundel. He wrote: "God is only a heart, He is wholeheartedly. To be given to Him, we must be wholeheartedly for Him, wholeheartedly for others in eternal growth. That's what God is: a Heart, a whole Heart, just a Heart. "

God loves everyone personally. May the Holy Spirit require us to be the merciful beings so that we become "the heart of God on earth." The Spirituality of Heart finds the source of its strength in eucharist. The Eucharist gives the life dynamics of the spirituality of Heart.

For Jules Chevalier, the eucharist is the center of the sacraments, through which we find the virtue of redemption. The Eucharist is an extension of the incarnation of the Word into the flesh of every member of Christ's mystical body. The Eucharist actualizes the relationship between creation, incarnation, and redemption: a concrete relationship that is endowed by the Word becomes flesh and which leads Him to death on the cross to reveal to mankind that God is LOVE.

Eucharist and Mission are intimately linked. The mission is to bring the Gospel to all nations. The Eucharist is to take all men to His Heart, in a universal communion. Maurice Zundel writes: "If the Eucharist is the source and the demand for universal love and this love becomes a lived and witnessed reality, then it can concern all men. It can interest even the man in the street, as far as he feels loved.”


And Pope Francis in Gaudete et Exsultate, no: 157 writes: "Meeting Jesus in the Scriptures leads us to the Eucharist, where the written word attains its greatest efficacy, for there the living Word is truly present. In the Eucharist, the one true God receives the greatest worship the world can give him, for it is Christ himself who is offered. When we receive him in Holy Communion, we renew our covenant with him and allow him to carry out ever more fully his work of transforming our lives." AMEN 

Yongki mSC



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