"I often hear the phrase: "best friend". For example, someone said: I just called my best friend. " Or some say: I'm sad because my best friend just died, etc."
Today’s Gospel speaks of friendship,
a theme relevant to our celebration of the special mission month proclaimed by
Pope Francis. The Gospels are filled with numerous examples of Jesus
approaching others in friendship. Saint Luke shows Jesus compassionately
reaching out to lepers, paralytics, sinners, tax collectors, the centurion,
widows, demoniacs, epileptics; Luke’s list is extensive. Jesus himself is the
Good Samaritan (Lk 10:29-37) and the compassionate father (Lk 15:11-32). At the
Last Supper Jesus says: “One can have no greater love that to lay down his life
for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you” (Jn
The eminent Catholic scripture
scholar Rudolph Schneckenburger has written a moving book with the title The
Friend We Have in Jesus. His insights are truly profound: “Friendship is really
a comprehensive expression for our relationship with him [Jesus]…. Our friend
Jesus calls to us: ‘Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy
burdens, and I will give you rest’…. That is the voice of the friend who
understands us and reveals his heart to us….
Each person must conclude for himself
or herself that Jesus is the friend of every human being.”
In his beautiful Evangelii Gaudium
(The Joy of the Gospel), Francis notes: “The Joy of the Gospel fills the hearts
and lives of all who encounter Jesus” (1). “I invite all Christians,
everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed encounter with Jesus Christ. I
ask all of you to do this unfailingly each day” (3). Francis continues: “this
encounter—or renewed encounter—with God’s love … blossoms into an enriching friendship….
Here we find the source and inspiration of all our efforts at evangelization”
(8). For Pope Francis and each of us Mission is at once a passion for Jesus and
a passion for his people. ”
Friends according to the heart of God rejoice for
each other
There is a
Swedish proverb that says that "friendship doubles our joy and divides our
pain". There is no place for jealousy, comparison or envy, in friendship
according to the heart of God.
Friends according to the heart of God forgive
each other
friendship is enameled at one time or another by tensions or wounds, but when
friendship is sincere and true, the Spirit of the Lord will do his work so that
everyone can forgive and rebuild. AMEN
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